For Men

LOW T (Andropause)
If you have gotten this far, you (or someone who loves you!) probably suspects that adding some natural testosterone would improve your life. Let’s talk about why and how.
An estimated 39% of men 45 or older have hypogonadism resulting in low T levels. Hypogonadism is a clinical syndrome resulting from the failure of the testes to produce testosterone. The decline in a man’s testosterone level is subtle and is usually mistaken as a natural part of aging, although low testosterone levels can be seen as early as the mid-thirties in men.
- Decrease in muscle mass and strength
- Extreme fatigue/lack of energy and motivation
- Decline in physical performance and endurance
- Decreased sex drive/ erectile dysfunction/decrease in morning erections
- Increased body fat, especially in the abdominal area
- Joint pain and muscle stiffness
- Hair loss, body and facial
- Depression, irritability and anxiety
- Memory loss, decreased concentration and focus
Also, low testosterone levels are associated with obesity, rapid aging, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, osteoporosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The right amount of testosterone can add many quality years to your life!!
By adding natural (not synthetic) testosterone, you can stop the decline and reverse many of these symptoms.
Increase testosterone levels through bio-identical hormone pellet therapy. Data supports that hormone replacement therapy with pellet implants is the most effective and most bio-identical method to deliver hormones in men. Implants, placed under the skin in your hip area, consistently release small, physiologic doses of hormones to provide optimal therapy. Subcutaneous pellets are the only long-acting testosterone therapy and prevent the hormone fluctuations that can cause disruptive moods and some side-effects.
At New Day Vitality, we also offer testosterone self-injections as an alternative to pellet therapy. Patients receive thorough in-office training in all aspects of the injection process. As with patients receiving pellets, those who choose self-injection are required to have blood drawn for monitoring hormone levels and an in-office consultation every three months.