Botox and ZO Skin Health Products

Put your Best Face Forward
Discover the benefits of Botox and ZO Skin Health products. Our tried and true treatments are designed to revitalize your skin and overall facial image to bring back a look of youth and regeneration.
As with many changes in your physiology, facial aging is an ongoing process which can start early in your 20s and is exacerbated by diminishing estrogen. Skin aging also can be accelerated by age, environment, disease, stress, smoking, weight loss, exposure to extreme climates, prolonged exposure to the sun.
ZO Skin Health
Estrogen helps your skin from the inside and we’ve found a fantastic line of products to treat your skin from the outside.
ZO Skin Health was developed by dermatologist Zein Obagi, M.D., whose philosophy emphasizes creating healthy skin as opposed to merely treating disease and damage.
ZO® provides comprehensive solutions for creating and maintaining healthy skin for anyone regardless of age, ethnicity, unique skin condition or skin type. From correcting sun damage and pigmentation to preventing and protecting against future damage, ZO® has your skin health covered!
To order your Zo Skin products or to learn more, click here.
Botox Treatments
The procedure for a Botox treatment is quite simple. A very small injection is made to disperse the Botox into the wrinkle-producing muscles. No anesthesia is required and the injections usually take only 10 to 15 minutes. There is no recovery time or down time though you may see some temporary redness or bruising at the injection site. On average, it takes three to five days to start to see an effect and up to 3 weeks to see the maximum results from Botox. Results usually last about three months.
What’s the difference between Botox and fillers? Botox is made from the botulinum neurotoxin, which blocks the action of nerves on muscles. Botox is used to treat dynamic wrinkles.
Dynamic wrinkles are the wrinkles you see when you animate your facial muscles, such as the “11” between your eyebrows when you frown or the lines across your forehead when you look up or raise your eyebrows. The smile lines in the corner of your eyes, also known as crow’s feet, are another good example of dynamic wrinkles.
Botox limits the movement of corresponding muscles to reduce the deepening of the lines. Fillers inserted into wrinkle areas plump the affected skin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.